Brexit, what do you want from it?

A recent piece of research by the Federation of Small Business (FSB) has revealed that the top priority market for its members is the EU single market but also has shown that members are looking beyond the EU for trading opportunities.  49% of respondents selected the US and 30% Australia with other key markets being Canada and China.

Mike Cherry, FSB Chairman, said: ‘The results of the survey show that businesses trade with countries based on ease, cost and value’ any future trade deal must deliver on these key aspects both within the single market and non-EU markets’

Regency has seen an increase in the past 6 months in enquiries from our clients of us being able to provide finance on importing and exporting beyond the EU.  This is something that we can arrange very quickly for our clients so we can react quickly as Brexit continues.  One client, a musical instrument wholesaler, has already started to import products from Japan, to minimise his risk to potential tariffs being applied to UK-EU trade.  Funded by Regency, his business will continue to grow.
