Case Study - CCTV Provider

In 2014 our Clients factoring facility expired and they chose the services of a Competitor on the promise of much cheaper rates with the same high quality service.

The relationship with the new financier did not go as the Client envisioned with the business suffering greatly.

Our Client returned in January 2015. Through an excellent understanding of their Debtors and business requirements etc… The account returned to good order within 28 days. During the recovery period, an overpayment facility was offered to ease the cash flow positon generated by the aging of various debts.         

Our Clients business is now thriving and in good order. The Client also has a trade finance facility which is utilised to purchase CCTV equipment.  

Regency Factors take a great deal of time to get to know our clients and their business.  We work very closely with clients to ensure that they can utilise the full service they take with us.  

If you’d like to find out more about alternative business finance facilities, we’d love to be able to help. Why not give Regency a ring today on 0161 280 4010, drop us an email at or browse our website for more details on how our facilities work.
