Rolling with the punches

There are times in business when things don’t go according to plan and someone lands that blow when you least expect it.
It’s at these critical moments when you need to be sure you can rely on your business partners to get you through.
Whether it’s the need for an urgent delivery from your main supplier, or the need for your key staff to work over a weekend to finish a job, business owners need to know they have the support they require in their corner.
One area often overlooked is their funder. Will they support them when things go wrong or will the computer say “NO”?
At Regency Factors we pride ourselves on being different. The way we operate our Invoice Factoring facilities sets us aside from our competitors.
Each client has a dedicated Relationship Manager who looks to understand their business and has the ability to make quick sensible decisions.

Through no fault of their own, our Client suffered a significant bad debt and as the result were unable to restructure on the fly and meet their various Creditor obligations.  As the result of our assurances and support, our Client was able to enter an informal arrangement with the Creditor and continue to trade successfully, to the extent that their business has fully recovered and in fact grown through the repayment period.  Our actions were positive and based upon the strength of our relationship with our Client’s business 

Contact us today

If you’d like to find out more about alternative business finance facilities, we’d love to be able to help. Why not give Regency a ring today on 0161 280 4010, drop us an email at or browse our website for more details on how our facilities can work for you. 
