Health of UK SMEs rises to an 18 month high

The health of UK SME's in the UK has risen to its highest level in 18months according to the SME Health Check Index compiled by Centre for Economics and Business Research Limited and CYBG PLC, owner of Clydesdale and Yorkshire Banks.  The increase is helped by increased lending to SMEs and a falling number of business bankruptcies. In addition, business costs faced by SMEs seem to have almost plateaued in Q2 2017, which is a welcome development for companies

Commenting on the report, David Duffy, CEO at CYBG, says, ‘We greet these results with cautious optimism. This quarter’s index marks a return to the improving SME operating environment we saw throughout 2016 following a fall in the index in the last quarter.  However there is no room for complacency. The UK’s future economic success will depend in no small part on the strength and general ‘health’ of our SME businesses – securing a path to sustained and stronger growth among SMEs is vital for unlocking improvements in the UK’s overall productivity and business competitiveness'

Oliver Kolodseike, senior economist at Centre for Economics and Business Research (Cebr), says, ‘The significance of SMEs to the economic well-being of the UK is indisputable and it is therefore encouraging that the SME Health Check Index emerged from its first quarter weakness and reached a one-and-a-half year high. It is particularly encouraging that lending to SMEs has picked up, thereby supporting businesses in their growth aspirations.’

Regency has seen an increase in invoicing from our current clients reflecting the general increase in health from the SME marketplace.  Regency is supporting the SME community through its lending.  Over the last 20+ years we have helped hundreds of companies from numerous sectors to get the funding they needed to build their business, develop their products and grow from success to success. 

If you’d like to find out more about alternative business finance facilities, we’d love to be able to help. Why not give Regency a ring today on 0161 280 4010, drop us an email at or browse our website for more details on how our facilities can work for you. 
