Winning tactics for board game manufacturer

Industry: Board game manufacturer
Region:  Scotland
Product: Invoice Finance
Facility size: £1M 
With experience of 20 years in business management and management consultancy.  In 2004 the directors felt they could use their experience to set up a business using board games as an educational/training tool for corporate clients.  The management team considered the funding options available to them and decided that a move from their current finance provider was needed.  They needed a finance facility that would enable them to purchase components from abroad, so they approached Regency for these facilities.  
Laura Ramsden of Regency Factors said  
"Our new client is a well established provider and is a classic case of an incumbent lender not supporting its clients.  The business had a number of issues with the provider, which have now been resolved allowing for an increased in turnover in a short period of time."

Commenting on their new finance arrangement, the MD commented
 "Our previous lender restricted our growth and was somewhat risk averse, meaning we could not expand our offering by purchasing parts from abroad.  Since working with Regency, we have increased our turnover by being able to take on clients we had previously been unable to" 
Regency Factors PLC 

For more than 20 years we have been structuring innovative financial solutions for our clients, many of whom today trust us with their invoice finance, trade finance, asset finance and purchase finance needs. Our goal is to help your business to grow, to put decades of professional financial expertise to work to ensure that this happens, and to do so in an ethical and responsible fashion, offering each and every client the support and guidance they require.

Regency specialises in developing bespoke financial solutions for clients from across a broad spectrum of sectors. We'll provide you with a rapid response to your needs, a whole-of-industry perspective on solutions, and advice to help you decide.
If you’d like to find out more about alternative business finance facilities, we’d love to be able to help. Why not give Regency a ring today on 0161 280 4010, drop us an email at or browse our website for more details on how our facilities work.
